Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seyit Ali Gümüştaş, MD




Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seyit Ali Gümüştaş, MD


Spine and Extremity Bone/Soft Tissue Tumors Surgery

Residency (2005-20011): Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Health Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Education and Research Hospital, Clinic of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Thesis of The Speciality: Prewalking Age (0-12 Months) Evaluation of Early Results of Conservative Treatment in Developmental Hip Dysplasia.


College: (1999-2005): Kocaeli University Medical Faculty




Specialist (2016-2018): University of Health Sciences, Kartal Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Education and Research Hospital

Secretary General (2015-2016):  Public Hospitals Association of Tekirdağ State

Physician in Chief (2014-2015): Yavuz Selim Bone Diseases and Rehabilitation Hospital

Obligatory State Service (2012-2014): Adıyaman State Hospital

Military Service (2011-2012): Balıkesir Military Hospital


Work Experience Abroad


  1. Observership about Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Surgery with Professor Pietro Ruggeri MD in Instituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Clinic, Bologna, Italy (5-31 May 2014)
  2. Fellowship about Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Surgery with Professor Davide Maria Donati MD in Instituto Ortopedico Rizzolli Clinic, Bologna, Italy (13 Apr-8 May 2015)
  3. Fellowship about Spine Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Surgery with Professor Peter Paul Varga MD in National Center for Spinal Disorders. Budapest, Hungary (3-25 Apr 2018)


Membership of Scientific Organisations



  1. AO Spine, Member , 2017
  2. Turkish Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology ( TOTBİD), Section of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors, Member , 2015
  3. Education Council of Turkish Orthopaedics and Traumatology (TOTEK), Member , 2013
  4. Turkish Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology ( TOTBİD), Member , 2013
  5. The Turkish Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (TOTDER), Member , 2010


Foreign Language Exams



English, E-YDS, 2016, Score: 65.00

English YÖKDİL, 2017, Score: 73.75


Journal Reviewer


Southern Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia (South Clin Ist Euras)


Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica




Academic Publications



  1. Articles Published in International Reviewing Journals :


A.1 Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Ağır Ismail, Orak Mehmet Müfit, Onay Tolga, Okçu Güvenir. Influence Of Number And Orientation Of Screws On Stability In The Internal Fixation Of Unstable Femoral Neck Fractures. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2014;48(6):673-8.


A.2 Gümüstaş Seyit Ali, Yılmaz Ibrahim, Isyar Mehmet, Şirin Duygu Yasar, Batmaz Ahmet Güray, Ugras Ali Akın, Öznam Kadir, Çiftçi Zafer, Mahirogulları Mahir.Assessing The Negative Impact Of Phenyl Alkanoic Acid Derivative, A Frequently Prescribed Drug For The Suppression Of Pain And Inflammation, On The Differentiation And Proliferation Of Chondrocytes. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2016;11(1):1-10.


A.3 Orak Mehmet Müfit, Onay Tolga, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Gürsoy Tuğba, Muratlı Hasan Hilmi. Is Prematurity A Risk Factor For Developmental Dysplasia Of The Hip A Prospective Study. The Bone & Joint Journal 2015;97(5):716-20.


A.4 Gümüstaş Funda, Yılmaz Ibrahim, Yaşar Şirin Duygu, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Batmaz Ahmet Güray, Isyar Mehmet, Akkaya Semih, Mahirogulları Mahir. Chondrocyte Proliferation, Viability And Differentiation İs Declined Following Administration Of Methylphenidate Utilized For The Treatment Of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Human & Experimental Toxicology, 2017;36(9):981-92.


A.5 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Serbest Sancar, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Uludağ Abuzer, Çelik Suat. Learning Curve For Surgical Treatment Of Acetabular Fractures: A Retrospective Clinical Study Of A Practical And Theoretical Training Course. Medical Science Monitor 2017;23:5218-5229.


A.6 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Ağır Ismail, Uludağ Abuzer, Serbest Sancar, Pepele Demet. Comparison Of The Effects Of Sodium Hyaluronate Chondroitin Sulfate And Corticosteroids İn The Treatment Of Lateral Epicondylitis A Prospective Randomized Trial. Journal Of Orthopaedic Science 2015;20(5):837-43.


A.7 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Gürger Murat, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Uludağ Abuzer, Üçer Özlem, Serbest Sancar, Çelik Suat. The Effect Of Sodium HyaluronatendashchondroitinSulfate Combined Solution On Cartilage Formation İn Osteochondral Defects Of The Rabbit Knee: An Experimental Study. Therapeutics And Clinical Risk Management 2017;13:523-32.


A.8 Orak Mehmet Müfit, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Onay Tolga, Uludağ Serkan, Bulut Güven, Börü Ülkü Türk. Comparison Of Postoperative Pain After Open And Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release A Randomized Controlled Study. Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics 2016;50(1):65-9.


A.9 Gülabı Deniz, Uysal Mehmet Ali, Akça Ahmet, Çolak Ilker, Çeçen Gültekin Sıtkı, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Usg-Guided Injection Of Corticosteroid For Lateral Epicondylitis Does Not Improve Clinical Outcomes: A Prospective Randomised Study. Archives Of Orthopaedic And Trauma Surgery 2017;137(5):601-6.


A.10 Bilir Bülent, Bilir Ekiz Betül, Yılmaz Ibrahim, Atile Soysal Neslihan, Yıldırım Tülay, Kara Sonat Pınar, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Orhan Abdullah Erkan, Aydın Murat. Association Of Apelin, Endoglin And Endocan With Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy In Type 2 Diabetic Patients. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2016;20(5):892-8.


A.11 Bilir Bülent, Bilir Ekiz Betül, Soysal Atile Neslihan, Sonat Kara Pınar, Yıldırım Tülay, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Kaymaz Özlem, Aydın Murat. The Association Of Vitamin D With Inflammatory Cytokines In Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Journal Of Physical Therapy Science 2016;28(7):2159-63.


A.12 Serbest Sancar, Tiftikçi Uğur, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Uludağ Abuzer. Is There A Relationship Between Fracture Healing And Mean Platelet Volume?. Therapeutics And Clinical Risk Management 2016;12:1095-9.


A.13 Öznam Kadir, Şirin Duygu Yaşar, Yılmaz Ibrahim, Kaya Yasin Emre, Isyar Mehmet, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Özbek Hanefi, Akkaya Semih, Kayhan Arda, Mahiroğulları Mahir. Iopromide-And Gadopentetic Acid-Derived Preparates Used In Mr Arthrography May Be Harmful To Chondrocytes. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2017;12(1):1-10.


A.14 Onay Tolga, Gülabi Deniz, Çolak İlker, Bulut Güven, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Çeçen Gültekin Sıtkı. Surgically Treated Hoffa Fractures With Poor Long-Term Functional Results. Injury 2018;49(2):398-403.


A.15 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Ekmekçi Burcu, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Orak Mehmet Müfit, Bekler Halil Ibrahim. Similar Effectiveness Of The Open Versus Endoscopic Technique For CarpalTunnel Syndrome A Prospective Randomized Trial. European Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 2015;25(8):1253-60.


A.16 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Yılmaz Ibrahim, Isyar Mehmet, Şirin Duygu Yaşar, Batmaz Ahmet Güray, Gönültaş Aylin, Topuk Savaş, Güler Olcay, Kayahan Sibel, Akkaya Semih, Ofluoğlu Önder, Mahiroğulları Mahir. Is It Possible To Expedite Studies On The Effects Of Pharmacological Agents On Primary Cell Cultures Obtained From High-Grade Fibular Osteosarcoma?. Journal Of Clinical Experimental Oncology, 2016;5(06).


A.17 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Öznam Kadir, Mutlu Çağrı Ata, Kaya Yasin Emre, Yılmaz İbrahım, Isyar Mehmet, Yıldırım Güzelant Aliye, Güler Olcay, Akkaya Semih, Mahiroğulları Mahir. Are We Using Slow-Acting SymptomaticChondroprotective Drugs Conscious Enough?. The Open Orthopaedics Journal 2017;11(1):533-40.


A.18 Bekler Halil İbrahim, Yiğit Erdal, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Pehlivanoglu Gökhan. The Proposal And Early Results Of Capitate Forage As A New Treatment Method For Kienböck  Disease. Journal Of Hand And Microsurgery 2013;5(2):58-62.


A.19 Isyar Mehmet, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Yılmaz Ibrahim, Şirin Duygu Yaşar, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Mahiroğulları Mahir.Are We Economically Efficient Enough To Increase ThePotential Of Proliferation Of Osteoblasts By Means Of Pharmacochemical Agents?. The OpenOrthopaedics Journal 2016;10(1):420-430.


A.20 Kömür Baran Heval, Akyuva Yener, Karaaslan Numan, Isyar Mehmet, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Yılmaz Ibrahım,Akkaya Semıh,Sirin Duygu Yasar,Mutlu Çagrı Ata,Batmaz AhmetGüray,Güler Olcay,Mahırogulları Mahır. Can A Biodegradable Implanted Bilayered Drug Delivery System Loaded With Bmp-2/Bmp-12 Take An Effective Role In The Biological Repair Process Of Bone–Tendon Injuries? A Preliminary Report. Journal Of Pharmaceutics 2017;1-11.


A.21 Ağır Ismail, Tunçer Nejat, Küçükdurmaz Fatih, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Demirel Akgül Esra. Functional Comparison Of Immediate And Late Weight Bearing After Ankle BimalleolarFracture Surgery. The Open Orthopaedics Journal 2015;9(1):188-90.


A.22 Küçükdurmaz Fatih, Ağır Ismail, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Kıvılcım Hakan, Tetik Cıhangır. Closure Of Round Cutaneous Defects Progressively With The Purse String Suture Technique.Pan African Medical Journal 2015;22(16).


A.23 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Ağır Ismail, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Serbest Sancar, Uludağ Abuzer, Çelik Suat. Tibial Lengthening With Using A Fixator Asisted Lengthening Plate A New Technique. Trauma 2016 Nov;21(5):e25340.


A.24 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Serbest Sancar, Uludağ Abuzer, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Çelik Suat. Fixator-Assisted Tibial Lengthening Over A Plate İn A Patient With Sequelae Of Poliomyelitis. Medicine 2016 Nov;95(44):e5252.


A.25 Serbest Sancar, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Uludag Abuzer. Congenital Clasped Thumb That Is Forgetten A Syndrome İn Clinical Practice. Medicine 2015;94(38):1630.


A.26 Onay Tolga, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Cağırmaz Talat, Aydemir Ahmet N, Orak Mehmet M. Do the risk factors for  developmental dysplasia of the hip differ according to gender? A look from another perspective J Paediatr Child Health. 2019 Feb;55(2):168-174.


A27. Seyit Ali Gümüştaş, Hacı Bayram Tosun, Mehmet Isyar, Sancar Serbest, Kadir Oznam, Güven Bulut. Femur neck fracture in young adults, is it really an urgent surgery indication: retrospective clinical study. Pan African Medical Journal 2018;30:112.


A.28 Onay Tolga, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Baykan Said E, Akgülle Ahmet H, Erol Bülent, Irgit Kaan S. Mid-term and Long-term Functional and Radiographic Results of 13 Surgically Treated Adolescent Capitellum Fractures. J Pediatr Orthop. 2018 Sep;38(8):e424-e428.


A.29 Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan, Kayahan Sibel, Eceviz Engin, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Tenosynovial giant cell tumor in the foot and ankle. Foot Ankle Surg. 2020 Aug;26(6):712-716.


A.30 Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan, Erkan Murat, Kayahan Sibel, Bulut Güven, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. A skin tumor from an orthopedic oncology perspective: Pilomatrixoma in extremities (11 years experience with 108 cases). Dermatol Ther. 2019 Sep;32(5):e13004.


A.31 Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Fifty top-cited classic papers in orthopaedic oncology: a bibliometric analysis. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2019 Sep;139(9):1187-1192.


A.32 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan, Kayahan Sibel. Management of Osteoid Osteoma in Unusual Locations. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2020;87(4):285-291.


A.33 Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Kayahan Sibel. Surgical Management of Clavicular Malignancies With Resection of the Clavicle Without Reconstruction. Tech Should Elb Surg 2020;21:.25–9.


A.33 Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan, Kayahan Sibel, Eceviz Engin, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor in the Hand: Experience with 173 Cases The Journal of Hand Surgery (Asian-Pacific Volume) 2020;25(2):158-63.


A.34 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan, Kayahan Sibel. An epidemiological study of primary bone tumors of the fibula. Arch Bone Jt Surg. 2021 Sep; 9(5):548–53.


A.35 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Çelen Zekeriya Ersin, Onay Tolga, Abul Mehmet Süleyman, Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan. The efficiency and safety of intravenous tranexamic acid administration in open reduction and internal  fixation of pelvic and acetabular fractures. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2021 Feb 27.


A.36 Abul Mehmet Süleyman, Çolak Ilker, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Onay Tolga. Traumatic Hip Dislocations in Patients Younger Than 16 Years Old: A Single Center Experience with Mean Follow-Up of 10.4 Years. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics(JOIO) 22 Nov 2021;1(5).


  1. Papers Presented at International Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings:


B.1 Hamcan Salih, Gümüstas Seyit Ali (2012). Periosteal Chondroma Of The Proximal Phalanx Of The Ring Finger. 10th Balkan Congress Radiology, (Abstract), 2012, Sandanski, Bulgaria.


B.2 Hamcan Salih, Gümüstas Seyit Ali. Isolated Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint Dislocation. 2nd Pan-European ICMM Congress On Military Medicine, 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


B.3 Bekler Halil Ibrahim, Erdağ Yiğit, Pehlvanoğlu Gökhan, Gümüstas Seyit Ali. Early Results Of Capitate Forage A New Treatment Method Of Kienboeck Disease. 18th FESSH Congress, 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.


B.4 Ofluoğlu Önder, Ünal Mehmet Bekir, Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Uysal Mehmet. Reconstruction Of The Intercalary Defect With Vascularized Fibular Graft After Osteosarcoma And Ewing Sarcoma Resection. Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) Annual Meeting, 2014, Houston, TX, USA.


B.5 Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Ağır Ismail, Orak Mehmet Müfit, Onay Tolga, Okçu Güvenir. Influence Of Number And Orıentation Of Screws On Stability In The Internal Fixation Of Instable Femoral Neck Fractures. 16th European Federation Of National Associations Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology Congress, 2015, Prague, Czechia.


B.6 Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Ekmekçi Burcu, Orak Mehmet Müfıt, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Bekler Halil Ibrahim. Similar Effectiveness Of The Open Versus Endoscopic Technique For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome A Prospective Randomized Trial. 17th European Federation Of National Associations Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology (Efort) Congress, (Abstract), 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.


B.7 Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Sağlam Fevzi, Yükünç Ismail, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Bekler Halil Ibrahim. Surgical Treatment Of Tip III Acromioclavicular Ac Dislocations Bosworth Versus Hook Plate. 17th European Federation Of National Associations Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology (EFORT) Congress, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.


B.8 Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Serbest Sancar, Bulut Güven, Erdağ Yiğit, Bekler Halil Ibrahim. Internal Fixation In Femoral Neck Fractures In Young Adults Is Emergent Surgery Necessary. 17. European Federation Of National Associations Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology (EFORT) Congress, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.


B.9 Serbest Sancar, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Tiftikçi Uğur, Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Uludağ Abuzer, Karaaslan Fatih. Is There A Relationship Between Fracture Healing And Mean Platelet Volume. 17. European Federation Of National Associations Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology (EFORT) Congress, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.


B.10 Gülabi Deniz, Uysal Mehmet Ali, Akça Ahmet, Çolak Ilker, Çeçen Gültekin Sıtkı, Gümüstas Seyit Ali. Usg Guided Injection Of Corticosteroid For Lateral Epicondylitis Does Not Improve Clinical Outcomes: A Prospective Randomised Study. 18. European Federation Of National Associations Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology (EFORT) Congress, 2017, Vienna, Austria.


B.11. Onay Tolga, Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Aydemir Nadir, Orak Mehmet M.. Do the Risk Factors for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip Differ According to Gender? A Look from Another Perspective. AAOS Annual Meeting, 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA.


B.12 Onay Tolga, Gümüstas Seyit Ali , Çağırmaz Talat, Aydemir Ahmet Nadir, Orak Mehmet Müfit. Do the risk factors for developmental dysplasia of the hip differ according to sex? A look from ananother perspective. EPOS Congress, 2019, Isreal, Tel Aviv.


B.13 Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan, Erkan Murat, Kayahan Sibel, Bulut Güven, Gümüstas Seyit Ali. Pilomatrixoma In Extremities: 11 Years Experience With 108 Cases. European Federation Of National Associations Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology (EFORT) Congress, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.


B.14 Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan, Eceviz Engin, Ergün Selim, Gümüstas Seyit Ali. Management Of Femoral Fractures In Affected Limbs Of Post-Polio Patients: A Review Of 13 Cases. 20th European Federation Of National Associations Of Orthopaedics And Traumatology (EFORT) Annual Congress, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.


B.15 Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan, Kayahan Sibel, Eceviz Engin, Gümüstas Seyit Ali. Tenosynovial giant cell tumor in the foot and ankle (26 cases with the mean 73 months follow-up period). EMSOS 33. Annual Meeting, 2021, Graz, Austria.


B.16 Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Çevik Hüseyin Bilgehan, Kayahan Sibel. Histological, epidemiological and anatomical analysis of 55 bone tumors of the fibula. EMSOS 33. Annual Meeting, 2021, Graz, Austria.



  1. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals:


D.1 Çelik Cem, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Çeçen Gültekin Sıtkı, Bulut Güven, Bekler Halil Ibrahim. Mid Term Follow Up Evaluation Of Plate Osteosynthesis And Hemiartroplasty Results In MultiPart Fractures Of The Proximal Humerus. Turkish Journal Of Trauma And Emergency Surgery 2016;22(4):379-85.


D.2 Onay Tolga, Orak Mehmet Müfit, Oltulu Ismail, Çağırmaz Talat, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Bulut Güven, Bekler Halil Ibrahim. Effect Of Bone Mineral Density On FunctionalAnd Radiological Results In Conservatively Treated Distal Radius Fractures. Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi 2015;21(2):40-5.


D.3 Çeçen Gültekin Sıtkı, Gülabi Deniz, Erdağ Yiğit, Bekler Halil Ibrahim, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Bulut Güven. The Effect Of Body Mass Index On Developments Patellar Tendinosis After Intramedullary Nailing Of A Tibial Shaft Fracture. The Journal Of Kartal Training And Research Hospital 2014;25(3):210-4.


D.4 Oltulu Ismail, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Onay Tolga, Çeçen Gültekin Sıtkı, Bulut Güven, Usta Metin, Bekler Halil Ibrahim. Comparison of Stripping Forces of Pedicle Screws Placed by Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty Technique. The Journal Of Turkish Spinal Surgery 2016;27(1):1- 8.


D.5 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Kom Mustafa, Uludağ Abuzer, Serbest Sancar, Eröksüz Yesari. The Effect Of Sodium Hyaluronate Plus Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate Solution On Peritendinous Adhesion And Tendon Healing An Experimental Study. Balkan Medical Journal 2016;33(3):258.


D.6 Isyar Mehmet, Doğan Mustafa, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Yılmaz Ibrahim, Bilir Bülent, Güler Olcay, Mahiroğulları Mahir. Evaluation Of Antibiotic Alternatives That Are Used İnOrthopaedic Departments Of Two Distinct Hospitals Acording To Rational Use Of Antibiotics. The Journal Of Kartal Training And Research Hospital 2016.


D.7 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Sağlam Fevzi, Kömür Baran Heval, Batmaz Ahmet Güray, Yükünç Ismail, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Bekler Halil Ibrahim. Surgical Treatment Of Type III Acromioclavicular Dislocation: Bosworth Technique Versus Hook Plating. Northern Clinics Of Istanbul 2018;5(4):334.


D.8 Numan Karaarslan, Ibrahim Yılmaz, Duygu Yasar Şirin, Hanefi Özbek, Yasin Emre Kaya, Yener Akyuva, Necati Kaplan, Mustafa Doğan, Seyit Ali Gümüştaş, Özkan Ateş, Ilknur Erdem. Does transcription factor, induced by daptomycin and vancomycin, affect HIF-1α, Chondroadherin, and COL2A1? Annals of Medical Research 2018. DOI: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2018.06.110


D.9 Gökhan Yaprak, Özgür Ozan Şeşeoğulları, Hüseyin Bilgehan Çevik, Seyit Ali Gümüştaş, Recep Demirhan. Prognostic Factors in Soft Tissue Sarcoma Patients Treated with Pre- or Postoperative Radiotherapy. South. Clin. Ist. Euras. 2018;29(2):69-74.


D.10 Mustafa Doğan, Lütfi Çağatay Onar, Bilgehan Aydın, Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. Is high level of hemoglobin A1C an indicator for extended period of antibiotherapy in diabetic foot ulcers? North Clin Istanb. 2019 Feb 12;6(1):21-27.


D.11 Hüseyin Bilgehan Çevik, Engin Eceviz, Selim Ergun, Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. Management of femoral fractures in aging adult polio population: A retrospective review of 13 cases. southern Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia 2020;31(1).


D.12 Huseyin Bilgehan Çevik, Sibel Kayahan, Engin Eceviz, Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. Benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors of the extremities: Analysis of one hundred patients. Acta Oncol Tur. 2020;53(1):94-101.


D.13 Fatih İnci, Güven Bulut, Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. The effecet of patient’s age on the outcomes of Salter pelvic osteotomy. Marmara Med J. 2021;34(2):175-9.


D.14 Erhan Okay, Ayşenur Toksöz Yıldırım, Tülay Zenginkinet, Begümhan Baysal,  Seyit Ali Gümüştaş, Korhan Özkan. Clinical Outcomes after En Bloc Resection of Periosteal Chondroma: A Retrospective Clinical Study. Duzce Med J. 2021;23(2):192-196.



  1. Papers Presented at National Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings:


E.1 Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Erensoy Sükrü, Koçak Fatma Gülgün, Ofluoglu Önder. Vastus Lateralis Located Primary Pyomyositis Mixed with Malignancy. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.2 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Ofluoğlu Önder. Plantar Localized Soft Tissue Chondroma of the Big Toe, Case Report. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.3 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Çagırmaz Talat, Serbest Sancar. Combination of Intra and Extra Medullary Fixation in a Patient Diagnosed with Midfoot Charcot Arthropathy, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.4 Uludağ Abuzer, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Ağır Ismail, Çelik Suat, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Serbest Sancar. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Due to Hypertrophic Epitrochleoanconeus Muscle, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.5 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Bulut Güven, Çeçen Gültekın Sıtkı, Bekler Halıl Ibrahım. The Effect of Displacement and Surgical Timing on the Rates of Osteonecrosis and Nonunion in Femoral Neck Fractures in Young Adults. 23rd National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2013.


E.6 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Agır Ismaıl, Uludag Abuzer. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Due to Heterotrophic Ossification, Case Report. 14th National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, 2014.


E.7 Dogan Mustafa, Onar Lütfı Çagatay, Yaman Resıt, Çekırdekçı Elıf Ijlal, Demırkıran Aykut, Ergut Sezer Büsra, Karaca Ersoy, Bugan Barıs, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Does Peripheral Angioplasty Reduce Rehospitalization Rate in Diabetic Foot Infections?. 14th National Turkish Cardiovascular Surgery Congress, 2016.


E.8 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Orak Mehmet Müfit, Uludag Serkan, Bulut Güven. Comparison of Pain After Open and Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Procedures: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study. 23rd National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2013.


E.9 Çevık Hüseyın Bılgehan, Ecevız Engın, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Gülabı Denız, Çeçen Gültekin Sıtkı. Long Intramedullary Nail and Cable Method in Subtrochanteric Fractures. University of Health Sciences Orthopedics and Traumatology Days, 2017.


E.10 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Orak Mehmet Müfıt, Uludag Abuzer. Scapho-Capitate Arthrodesis Application with Anchovyplasty in Lichtman Stage 3a Kienböck Case. 14th National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, 2014.


E.11 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Agır Ismaıl, Orak Mehmet Müfıt, OnayTolga, Okçu Güvenır. The Effect of Screw Number and Orientation on Stability in Internal Fixation of Unstable Femur Neck Fractures Biomechanical Study in Synthetic Bone Model. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.12 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Evcım Gözde, Ofluoglu Önder. Pseudotumor on the Ground of Total Hip Replacement, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.13 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Ofluoglu Önder. Resection and Reconstruction in a Case of Malignant Melanoma Metastasizing to the Tibia Body. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.14 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Koçak Gülgün Fatma, Ofluoglu Önder. Quadriceps Localized Myositis Ossificans, a Rare Cause of Knee Flexion Restriction, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.15 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Lıvaoglu Ayten, Ofluoglu Önder. Superficial Myxoid Liposarcoma without any Clinically And Radiologically Malignant Characteristics, Case Report. 6. Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting, 2016.


E.16 Uludag Abuzer, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Serbest Sancar, Agır Ismaıl, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Çelık Suat, Atık Ramazan. Demographic Characteristics of Orthopedic Medical Company Employees. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.17 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Koçak Fatma Gülgün, Ofluoglu Önder. Second Distal Phalanx of Foot Localized Osteoid Osteoma in a Pediatric Patient, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.18 Öznam Kadir, Sirin Duygu Yasar, Yılmaz Ibrahım, Isyar Mehmet, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Akkaya Semih, Kayhan Arda, Mahırogulları Mahır. Do Iopromide and Gadopentetic Acid Derived Preparations Used in Magnetic Resonance Arthrography Have Harmful Effects on Chondrocytes?. 26th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2016.


E19. Tosun Hacı Bayram, Uludag Abuzer, Serbest Sancar, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Çelık Suat. Duplication of Big Toe Distal Phalanx Bifid Thumb, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.20 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Pehlıvanoglu Gökhan, Çagırmaz Talat, Bekler Halıl Ibrahım. A Case Report of Unsuccessful Multiple Surgical Interventions in a Case of Monteggia Fracture and Dislocation Accompanying Clavicle Fracture After Birth Trauma, Case Report. 5th Istanbul Meeting of Orthopedics and Traumatology, 2015.


E.21 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Çagırmaz Talat, Serbest Sancar. Multifocal Osteonecrosis Secondary to Steroid Therapy, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.22 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali (2016). Errors in Anamnesis and Physical Examination (Common Mistakes). 26th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2016.


E.23 Isyar Mehmet, Yılmaz Ibrahım, Güler Olcay, Batmaz Ahmet Güray, Akkaya Semıh, Sirin Duygu Yasar, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Gönültas Aylın, Ofluoglu Önder, Mahırogulları Mahır. Can Gene Silencing Effectively in the Post-transcriptional Stage with a Sirna Oligonucleotide-Loaded Polymer Scafold in High Grade Osteosarcom Cultures of Fibula? 26th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2016.


E.24 Çagırmaz Talat, Bulut Güven, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Telatar Berrın, Akın Yasemın, Bekler Halıl Ibrahım. Should hip ultrasonography be used as a screening method for the diagnosis of developmental hip dysplasia in newborns in our country?. 22nd National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2011.


E.25 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Koçak Fatma Gülgün, Ofluoglu Önder. Giant Cell Tumor of Tendon Sheath Invading First Finger Metacarp and Proximal Phalanx, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.26 Ofluoglu Önder, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Ünal Mehmet Bekır, Sarıoglu Ender, Uysal Mehmet. Can Local Recurrence Be Prevented in Giant Cell Tumor of Bone?. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.27 Saglam Fevzı, Oktay Alper, Bekler Halıl Ibrahım, Bulut Güven, Aydın Davut, Gülabı Denız, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Çolak Ilker. Clinical and Radiological Evaluation of the Relationship Between Surgical Incision and Treatment Results and Complications in Pediatric Supracondylar Humerus Fractures. 1st National Pediatric Orthopedics Congress, 2016.


E.28 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Evcım Gözde, Ofluoglu Önder. Malignant Fibrosis Histiocytoma in a Patient Presenting with Hematoma, Case Report. 6th Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting, 2016.


E.29 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Koçak Fatma Gülgün, Ofluoglu Önder. Brown Tumor Located Around the Knee, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.30 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Ofluoglu Önder, Sarıoglu Ender. Radiofrequency Thermoablation Therapy in Patients with Osteoid Osteoma Located Around the Hip. 23rd National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2013.


E.31 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Pehlıvanoglu Gökhan, Bulut Güven, Bekler Halıl Ibrahım. Evaluation of Surgical Treatment Results in Two Cases with Congenital Metatarsal Synostosis with Mid-Term Follow-up. 5th Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting, 2015.


E.32 Varol Saraçoglu Gamze, Isyar Mehmet, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Yılmaz Ibrahım, Batmaz Ahmet Güray, Mahırogulları Mahır. A Methodological Study Investigated Language and Content Validity: Rowe Shoulder Dislocation Scale. 9th Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Society Congress, 2016.


E.33 Aydın Davut, Saglam Fevzı, Bekler Halıl Ibrahım, Bulut Güven, Oktay Alper, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Parameters Affecting Treatment Outcomes of Distal Humerus Type C Fractures. 9th Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Society Congress, 2016.


E.34 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Mollamehmetoglu Beyhan, Ofluoglu Önder. Osteochondroma, a Rare Cause of Heel Pain, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.35 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Isyar Mehmet, Yılmaz Ibrahım, Batmaz Ahmet Güray, Sirin Duygu Yasar, Gönültas Aylin, Kayahan Sıbel, Akkaya Semıh, Ofluoglu Önder, Mahırogulları Mahır. How Can Drug Studies Be Performed by Preparing a Primary Cell Culture from a Fibula High-Grade Osteosarcoma Case?. 26th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2016.


E.36 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Uludag Abuzer, Serbest Sancar, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Çelık Suat. Tibial Extension over an External Fixator Assisted Extension Plate in a Patient with Polio Sequelae: Technical Note. 26th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2016.


E.37 Uludag Abuzer, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Sarı Abdülkadır, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Dost Abdülkadır, Agır Ismaıl. Septic Arthritis Caused by Serratia Marcescens After Arthroscopic Surgery. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.38 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Sarı Abdülkadır, Ofluoglu Önder. Multiple and Giant Epidermoid Cysts Located in the Lower Extremity, Case Report. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.39 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Özenoglu Atılla, Ofluoglu Önder. Resection and Reconstruction in a Case of Costal Osteochondroma, Case Report. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.40 Isyar Mehmet, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Yılmaz Ibrahım, Sırın Yasar Duygu, Batmaz Ahmet Güray, Mahırogulları Mahır. Can BMP-2/BMP-12 Loaded Drug Delivery System Contribute to Tendon Bone Healing?. 9th Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Society Congress, 2016.


E.41 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Yılmaz Ibrahım, Öznam Kadır, Isyar Mehmet, Güler Olcay, Yıldırım Güzelant Alıye, Mahırogulları Mahır. Systematic Evaluation of Symptomatic Slow-Acting Chondroprotective Drugs. 6th Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting, 2016.


E.42 Ofluoglu Önder, Sarıoglu Ender, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Yapıcı Can, Akan Ismaıl Mıthat. Vascular Fibula Graft in the Treatment of Massive Defects After Tumor Resection. 22nd National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2011.


E.43 Orak Mehmet Müfıt, Onay Tolga, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Gürsoy Tugba, Muratlı Hasan Hılmı. Is Prematurity a Risk Factor for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip? Prospective Study. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.44 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Ekmekçı Burcu, Orak Mehmet Müfıt, Tosun Hacı Bayram. Evaluation of Open and Double Portal Endoscopic Release Techniques with EMG in the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Randomized Prospective Controlled Study. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.45 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Serbest Sancar, Ofluoglu Önder. Elbow Neuropathic Arthropathy, the First Sign of Cervical Syringomyelia, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.46 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Orak Mehmet Müfıt, Onay Tolga, Bulut Güven. Late Dysplasia of the Hip Detected Sonographically Stable on Initial Examination, Case Report. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.47 Ecevız Engın, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Çevık Hüseyın Bılgehan, Çeçen Gültekın Sıtkı. Traumatic Superolateral Dislocation with Hip Fracture, Case Report. 27th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2017.


E.48 Gülabı Denız, Uysal Mehmet Alı, Akça Ahmet, Çolak Ilker, Çeçen Gültekın Sıtkı, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Ultrasound Accompanied Corticosteroid Injection for Lateral Epicondylitis Does Not Affect Clinical Outcomes Favorably: Prospective Randomized Study. 27th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2017.


E.49 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Kom Mustafa, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Uludag Abuzer, Serbest Sancar, Eröksüz Yesari. The Effect of Sodium Hyaluronate Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate Solution on Peritendinous Adhesion and Tendon Healing Experimental Study. 14th National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, 2014.


E.50 Uludag Abuzer, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Agır Ismaıl. Isolated Humerus Small Tubercle Fracture, Case Report. 14th National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, 2014.


E.51 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Saglam Fevzı, Yükünç Ismaıl, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Bekler Halıl Ibrahım. Comparison of Bosworth Screw and Hook Plate Fixation Results in Type III Acromioclavicular Dislocations. 5th Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting, 2015.


E.52 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Ofluoglu Önder, Dervısoglu Sergülen. Atypical Lipomatous Tumor Causing Sciatic Nerve Neuropathy, Case Report. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.53 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Koçak Fatma Gülgün, Ofluoglu Önder. Old Digital Nerve Schwannoma Causing Phalanx Destruction, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.54 Oktay Alper, Saglam Fevzı, Bekler Halıl Ibrahım, Bulut Güven, Aydın Davut, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Does Distal Tibia Physis Injury Have an Effect on Treatment Outcomes?. 1st National Pediatric Orthopedics Congress, 2016.


E.55 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Ofluoglu Önder. Osteoid Osteoma Excision After Marking Under Computed Tomography. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.56 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Ofluoglu Önder. Giant Pilomatricoma Located in the Lower Extremity, Case Report. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.57 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Lıvaoglu Ayten, Ofluoglu Önder. Extramedullary Soft Tissue Localized Solitary Plasmocytoma, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.58 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Isyar Mehmet, Yılmaz Ibrahım, Topuk Savas, Öznam Kadır, Onay Tolga, Ofluoglu Önder, Mahırogulları Mahır. Systematic Evaluation of Drug-Loaded Hydrogels Used in the Treatment of Osteosarcoma. 26th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2016.


E.59 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Agır Ismaıl, Uludag Abuzer. Capitate Nonunion Due to Late Diagnosis in an Adolescent Patient. 14th National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, 2014.


E.60 Hamcan Salıh, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Ekıncı Safak, Tosun Hacı Bayram. Tendon Sheath Fibroma of Flexor Hallucis Longus, Case Report. 35th National Radiology Congress, 2014.


E.61 Onay Tolga, Orak Mehmet Müfıt, Çagırmaz Talat, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Ak Dursun, Muratlı Hasan Hılmı. Analysis of Risk Factors for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in 4415 Babies with Ultrasonographic Hip Evaluation and the Role of Clinical Examination in Diagnosis. 4th Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting, 2014.


E.62 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Onay Tolga, Orak Mehmet Müfıt, Uludag Abuzer. Misdiagnosed Traumatic Triceps Tendon Rupture. 14th National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress, 2014.


E.63 Ofluoglu Önder, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Sarıoglu Ender. Is Biopsy Required in the Diagnosis of Osteoid Osteoma with Typical Clinical and Radiological Findings?. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.64 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Uludag Abuzer, Serbest Sancar, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Erdogdu Ibrahım Halıl. A Rare, Extreme-spreading Non-pigmented Villonodular Synovitis as a Cause of Total Knee Arthroplasty Failure, Case Report. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.65 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Agır Ismaıl, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Uludag Abuzer, Serbest Sancar, Çelık Suat. A New Technique for Tibial Extensions with Fixator Assisted Extension Plate. 24th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2014.


E.66 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Terrorist Attacks And Explosions (Mass Injuries). 26th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2016.


E.67 Gümüstas Funda, Yılmaz Ibrahım, Sirin Duygu Yasar, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Batmaz Ahmet Güray, Isyar Mehmet, Akkaya Semıh, Mahırogulları Mahır. Are We Suppressing Height Growth Using Methylphenidate in the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children?. 26th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2016.


E.68 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Serbest Sancar, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Uludag Abuzer, Çelık Suat. Contribution of Applied Courses to Surgical Experience and Learning Curve in Acetabulum Surgical Treatment. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.69 Yılmaz Ibrahım, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Batmaz Güray Ahmet, Sırın Yasar Duygu, Isyar Mehmet, Ugras Alı Akın, Öznam Kadır, Mahırogulları Mahır. Do Aryl Acetic Acid and Phenylalkanoic Acid Derivatives, Frequently Prescribed for the Suppression of Pain and Inflammation, Have an Effect on Chondrocyte Differentiation and Proliferation? 6th Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting, 2016.


E.70 Ofluoglu Önder, Yapıcı Can, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Sarıoglu Ender. Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation in Osteoid Osteoma. 22nd National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2011.


E.71 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Orak Mehmet Müfıt, Çagırmaz Talat, Bekler Halıl Ibrahım. Hip Dislocation After Minimal Trauma in a Pediatric Patient, Case Report. 5th Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting, 2015.


E.72 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Çagırmaz Talat, Serbest Sancar. Displaced Coracoid Process Fracture Accompanying Shoulder Dislocation, Case Report. 25th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2015.


E.73 Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Giant Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath (Foot and Hand Tumors in the Lower Extremity). 27th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2017.


E.74 Tosun Hacı Bayram, Gürger Murat, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Uludag Abuzer, Üçer Özlem, Çelık Suat, Serbest Sancar. Investigation of the Effect of Sodium Hyaluronate-Chondroitin Sulfate Combined Solution on Cartilage Formation in Osteochondral Defects of the Rabbit Knee. 26th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2016.


E.75 Tolga Onay, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Said Erkam Baykan, Ahmet Hamdi Akgülle, Bülent Erol, Kaan Süleyman Irgıt. Mid-long-term functional and radiological outcomes of 13 surgically treated fractures of the adolescent capitellum. 28th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2018.


E.76 Tolga Onay, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali, Talat Çağırmaz, Ahmet Nadir Aydemir, Mehmet Mufit Orak. Can developmental hip dysplasia risk factors differ by gender? A different perspective. 28th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2018.


E.77 Hüseyin Bilgehan Çevik, Sibel Kayahan, Engin Eceviz, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Tenosinoial Giant Cell Tumor of the Hand: Mean 7-Year Follow-up of 173 Cases. 29th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2019.


E.78 Hüseyin Bilgehan Çevik (Bildiriyi Sunan), Engin Eceviz, Sibel Kayahan, Tamer Baysal, Gümüştaş Seyit Ali. Management of Unusually Located Osteoid Osteomas. 29th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2019.


E.79 Hüseyin Bilgehan Çevik, Sibel Kayahan, Engin Eceviz, Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. Surgical Outcomes of Benign Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors Located in the Extremity. 29th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2019.


E.80 Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. How is Bone and Soft Tissue Closed Biopsy Performed? (Video presentation)  11. The Basic Course of Bone And Soft Tissue Tumors-Internet Training Meeting, 2021.


E.81 Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. A Versatile View of Fractures. Online Interactive Meeting. Fracture Nights. Case Reports, 2021.


E.82 Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. Biopsy Techniques. Bone Biopsy. Bone Joint Congress, 2021.


E.83 Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. Classification of Musculoskeletal Tumors. Basic Approach to Tumor. 30th National Turkish Ortopaedics and Traumatology Congress, 2021.


E.84 Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. Approach to traumatic lesions of the sacroiliac joint. Orthopedic Approach in Sacroiliac Joint Pain. 5th UHS PTR Days Symposium, 2021.


E.85 Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. XI. Surgical Treatment of Pelvis Acetabulum Fractures. Practical Training Meeting, 2021.


  1. Other Publications :


G.1 Original Article: Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Bulut Güven, Orak Mehmet Müfıt, Çagırmaz Talat, Onay Tolga, Bekler Halıl Ibrahım. Evaluation With Short Term Follow Up Of The Factors Affecting The Success Of Pavlik Harness Treatment For Developmental Dysplasia Of The Hip. The Journal Of Kartal Training And Research Hospital, 2015;26(1):7-12.


G.2 Review Article: Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Isyar Mehmet, Topuk Savas, Yılmaz Ibrahım, Öznam Kadır, Onay Tolga, Ofluoglu Önder, Mahırogulları Mahır. Systematic Evaluation Of Drug-Loaded Hydrogels For Application In Osteosarcoma Treatment. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2016;17(10):866-872.


G.3 Review Article: Gümüstas Seyit Ali,Ofluoglu Önder. Bone Forming Benign Tumors . Turkish Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology TOTA Magazine, 2013;12(6):509-516.


G.4 Review Article: Ofluoglu Önder, Gümüstas Seyit Ali. How to Differentiate Lumbar Region Benign, Primary Malignant and Metastatic Spine Tumors in People with Low Back Pain What should be the diagnosis and treatment approach? TOTA Magazine, 2015:14(4):323-340.


G.5 Case Presentation: Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Çagırmaz Talat, Orak Müfıt Mehmet, Pehlıvanoglu Gökhan, Öktem Sedat (2015). A Case Report of Cystic Tuberculosis Osteomyelitis Located in the Distal Tibia in Infancy. Turkish Pediatric Archive (Case Presentation), 2015.


G.6 Case Presentation: Bucak Ibrahım Hakan, Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Almıs Habıp, Sarı Abdülkadır, Uygun Hatıce, Tekın Mehmet, Turgut Mehmet . A Case Report of Cystic Tuberculosis Osteomyelitis Located in the Distal Tibia in Infancy. Turkish Pediatric Archive (Case Presentation), 2014;23(4),:201-4.


G.7 Case Presentation: Gümüstas Seyit Ali ,Tosun Hacı Bayram, Agır Ismaıl, Uludag Abuzer. Nonunion Of Capitate Due To Late Diagnosis İn A Teenager. American Journal Of Case Reports, 2014;15:139-42.


G.8 Case Presentation: Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Agır Ismaıl, Uludag Abuzer. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Due To Heterotrophic Ossification Caused By Radial Head Fracture A Case Report. Hand And Microsurgery, 2014;3(1),:24-8.


G.9 Case Presentation: Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Agır Ismaıl, Tosun Hacı Bayram, Inan Hacı Mehmet. An Osteoma Located On The Radial Head A Case Report. Journal Of Clinical And AnalyticalMedicine. 2014.


G.10 Case Presentation: Tosun Hacı Bayram, Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Agır Ismaıl, Uludag Abuzer, Serbest Sancar. A Rare Cutaneous Complication Of Insulin İn A Patient With Type 2 Diabetes That Developed Foot Necrosis At The Injection Site A Result Of Inadequate Patient Education. Journal Of Endocrinology And Metabolism, 2014.


G.11 Case Presentation: Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Ugurlu Fatma Gülçın, Erdogdu Ibrahım Halıl, Ofluoglu Önder. Arthroscopic Treatment Of Synovial Osteochondromatosis Of TheElbow. Medical Journal Of Islamic World Academy Of Sciences, 2015;23(2):67-71.


G.12 Case Presentation: Salçını Celal, Sunter Gülın, Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Evrensel Alper. Cervical Dermatomal Zona Misdiagnosed As Ulnar Nerve Entrapment. Case Reports, 2015.


G.13 Case Presentation: Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Orak Mehmet Müfıt, Onay Tolga, Bulut Güven. Late Developmental Dysplasia Of The Hip That Was Sonographically Determined To Be Stable At First Examination A Case Report. Jbjs Case Connector, 2013;3(4):114.


G.14 Case Presentation: Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Hamcan Salıh. Pain Tenderness And Swelling Of Right Thumb. Turkish Journal Of Emergency Medicine, 2015;15(2):58-86.


G.15 Case Presentation: Tosun Hacı Bayram, Serbest Sancar, Aydın Bılge, Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Uludag Abuzer. Giant Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor Of Thigh İn An Adolescent With Neurofibromatosis Type 1 A Case Report. International Medical Case Reports Journal, 2015;8:267-71.


G.16 Case Presentation: Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Çagırmaz Talat, Güler Olcay, Ofluoglu Önder, Kayahan Sıbel. A Case Report Of Osteoblastoma On The Distal Phalanx Of The Ring Finger Successfully Treated With Curettage And Polymethylmethacrylate Filling. International Journal Of Surgery Case Reports, 2015;12:128-31.


G.17 Case Presentation: Tosun Hacı Bayram, Uludag Abuzer, Serbest Sancar, Gümüstas Seyit Ali, Erdogdu Ibrahım Halıl. A Rare Case Of Wide-Spreading Nonpigmented Villonodular Synovitis As A Cause Of Total Knee Arthroplasty Failure. International Journal Of Surgery Case Reports, 2014;5(7):419-23.


G.18 Review Article: Önder Ofluoğlu, Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. Minimally invasive treatments for skeletal metastases. TOTA Magazine 2019;18:627–37.


G.19 Review Article: Hüseyin Bilgehan Çevik, Seyit Ali Gümüştaş, Önder Ofluoğlu. Chondroblastoma, Chondromyxoid Fibroma Turkey Clinics; 2020. s.46-52.



  1. Projects :


H.1 Investigation of the Effect of Sodium Hyaluronate Chondroitin Sulfate Combined Solution on Cartilage Formation in Osteochondral Defects of the Rabbit Knee, Tübitak Project, Coordinator: Tosun Hacı Bayram, Researcher: Uludağ Abuzer, Gürger Murat, Üçer Özlem, Gümüstas Seyit Ali. Date: 15/05/2015


  1. Awards:

I.1 Best Poster Award, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Union Association, 2016


I.2 Best Studies of 2015 in Turkish Orthopedics, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Union Association, 2016


Book Chapter


Seyit Ali Gümüştaş. Minimally Invasive Surgery Options for Spinal Tumors. New Approaches in Spine Surgery and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Akademisyen Bookstore. Pages 321-326.





  1. The Certificate of Using Experimental Animals, Theoretical and Applied Training Program for Experimental Animals in the Laboratory, Ankara, Certificate, 04.06.2012 -14.06.2012 (National)




  1. Spinal Osteotomies in Living Tissue. 30 November 2019, Istanbul.


  1. International Cadaveric Pelvic Sarcoma Course. University Of Inonu, 25-26 October 2018, Malatya.


  1. AO Spine Advanced Level Live Tissue Training Course – Complications Management. 23.03.2018. İstanbul (International)


  1. Core Training Program Eurospine Training Modules (Module 5).13.01.2018 (National)


  1. Turkish Spine Association Training Modules 1-3, Basic and Advanced Topics on Spine Surgery, Istanbul, Course, 17.11.2017 -19.11.2017 (National)


  1. Emile Letournel Course And Workshop, Treatment of Pelvis and Acetabulum Fractures. Cadaver Dissection. Sowebone Applications, Hamburg, Course, 25.09.2017-28.09.2017(International)


  1. Turkish Bioethics Association, Evaluation of Clinical Research Ethics and Clinical Research Application Files in Ethics Committees, Course Organized to Take Part in the Evaluation Commission within the Ethics Committee, Tekirdag, Course, 09.01.2016 -10.01.2016 (National)


  1. Icon Research Consultancy Education SPSS Analysis, Questionnaire Organization and Course on SPSS Analysis, Tekirdag, Course, 14.12.2015 -25.12.2015 (National)


  1. Minimally Invasive, Locked Plaque, Osteosynthesis and Advanced Trauma Training Meeting, Ankara, Course, 04.12.2015-05.12.2015 (National)


  1. Extremity Reconstruction and Ilizarov Methods Application Development Association Training Meeting, Course on Improving Limb Reconstruction and Ilizarov Methods, Istanbul, Course, 21.11.2015 -21.11.2015 (National)


  1. Complex Spinal Reconstructions Course from Occiput to Sacrum, Training on Complex Spinal Reconstructions, Antalya, Course, 05.11.2015 -05.11.2015 (National)


  1. AO trauma Course, Advanced Principles Of Fracture Management, Ankara, Course, 17.01.2015 -20.01.2015 (International)


  1. VI. Intramedullary Nailing Course, Intramedullary Nailing Course Performed by TOTA Orthopedic Trauma Branch, Izmir, Course, 13.02.2014 -16.02.2014 (National)


  1. 4th Fas Symposium Basic Arthroscopy Course in the Hip Joint, Basic Arthroscopy Course in the Hip Joint, Antalya, Course, 10.01.2014 -11.01.2014 (National)


  1. Epos-Bat Advanced Course, Current Concepts In The Management Of Pediatric Hip Diserders, Izmir, Course, 06.09.2013 -07.09.2013 (International)


  1. Core Education Program (CEP) Council Clinical Knowledge Renewal Course, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council Clinical Renewal Course, Istanbul, Course, 30.08.2013 – 01.09.2013 (National)


  1. 6th Cadaver Shoulder Arthroscopy Course, Antalya, Course, 03.05.2013 -04.05.2013 (National)


  1. 0-6 Months Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip-Pes Equinovarus Diagnosis and Treatment Applied Course, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association, Sanliurfa, Course, 06.04.2013 -07.04.2013 (National)


  1. Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Course, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association, Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Branch, Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Course, Ankara, Course, 08.03.2013 -09.03.2013 (National)


  1. AO trauma, Principles In Operative Fracture Management, Ankara, Course, 26.01.2013 -29.01.2013 (International)


  1. Gazi Shoulder Arthroscopy Course, Shoulder Arthroscopy Course, Ankara, Course, 04.01.2013 – 05.01.2013 (National)


  1. Foot and Ankle Surgery Course, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association, Foot and Ankle Surgery Course, Organized by Foot and Ankle Surgery Branch, Istanbul, Course, 14.09.2012 -15.09.2012 (National)


  1. Advanced Surgical Arthroscopy Course, Arthroscopy Course with Advanced Surgical Techniques, Ankara, Course, 21.06.2012 -23.06.2012 (National)


  1. 3rd Turkish Pes Equinovarus Course, Pes Equinovarus Course Organized by the Pediatric Orthopedic Association, Istanbul, Course, 05.11.2010 -06.11.2010 (National)


  1. Advanced Surgical Arthroscopy Course, Applied Arthroscopy Course with Advanced Techniques, Organized by Turkish Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association, Ankara, Course, 18.06.2010 -19.06.2010 (National)


  1. 19. Basic Surgery Arthroscopy Course in Knee Joint, Basic Surgery Arthroscopy Course Organized by Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council (TOTEC), Antalya, Course, 01.04.2010 -03.04.2010 (National)


  1. Basic Arthroplasty Course, Basic Arthroplasty Course, Organized by Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Çankaya Arthroplasty Branch, Ankara, Course, 19.03.2010 -20.03.2010 (National)


  1. Advanced Orthopedic Trauma Course, Advanced Orthopedic Trauma Course, Organized by Turkish Orthopedic and Traumatology Association Orthopedic Trauma Branch, Ankara, Course, 26.02.2010 -27.02.2010(National)


  1. Dr. Ridvan Ege III. Basic Hand Surgery Course, Basic Hand Surgery Course, Organized by Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Association, Ankara, Course, 20.11.2009 -22.11.2009 (National)


  1. Basic Microsurgery Course, Basic Microsurgery Course Organized by the Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Izmir, Course, 10.11.2009 -14.11.2009 (National)


  1. Basic Orthopedic Trauma Course, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association, Trauma Course, Organized by the Orthopedic Trauma Branch, Ankara, Course, 21.09.2007 -22.09.2007 (National)




  1. Budapest/Milan/Basel Spine Meeting 2018. 7th Edition, Spine tumors and aging spine: moving to the limits. 16-17 Kasım. Milano-Italy


  1. Solution For Severe Bone and Joint Defects. 17-19 Ekim. Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Bologna – Italy


  1. 5th International Spine Tumor Days. 29.06.2018-30.06.2018 Hamburg/Germany (International)


  1. 2nd Bezmialem Orthopedics Days, Arthroplasty, Istanbul, Workshop, 23.12.2017-24.12.2017(National)


  1. 27th National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, New Developments and Studies in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Antalya, Workshop, 24.10.2017 -29.10.2017 (National)


  1. Advanced Techniques in Orthopedic Trauma Surgery in the Hip Region, Pelvis and Proximal Femur Fractures, Cyprus, Workshop, 16.09.2017 -17.09.2017 (National)


  1. 18th EFORT Congress, New Developments and Studies in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Vienna, Workshop, 31.05.2017 – 02.06.2017 (International)


  1. 10th Orthopedic Oncology Regional Education Meeting, New Developments and Experiences in the Field of Orthopedic Oncology, Ordu, Workshop, 24.12.2016 -25.12.2016 (National)


  1. 26th National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, New Developments and Studies in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Antalya, Workshop, 25.10.2016 -30.10.2016 (National)


  1. EFORT Congress, New Developments and Studies in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Geneva, Workshop, 01.06.2016 -03.06.2016 (International)


  1. 6th Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting, Current Developments and Studies in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Levent, Workshop, 12.05.2016 -15.05.2016 (National)


  1. TOTA Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Branch, 9th Orthopedic Oncology Regional Training Meeting Kayseri, Workshop, 19.03.2016 -19.03.2016 (National)


  1. Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Regional Training Meeting, Lower – Upper Extremity Trauma and Arthroplasty Training, Adıyaman, Workshop, 25.07.2015 -25.07.2015 (National)


  1. Pelvic Fracture Symposium, Training on Pelvis Fractures, Istanbul, Workshop, 12.10.2014 -12.10.2014(International)


  1. 4th Deformity Training Meeting, Limb Reconstruction and Ilizarov Methods Application, Development Training, Istanbul, Workshop, 09.10.2014 -10.10.2014 (National)


  1. 17th Ilizarov and External Fixation Applied Training, Ilizarov and External Fixation Applied Training Meeting, Adana, Workshop, 22.02.2013 -24.02.2013 (National)


  1. Practical Training Meeting on Surgical Treatment of Pelvis-Acetabulum Fractures, Cadaver Dissection and Practical Practice with Broken Bone Models, Antalya, Workshop, 19.12.2012 -22.12.2012 (National)


  1. Applied Advanced Hip Arthroplasty Training Meeting, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association Çankaya Arthroplasty Branch Training Meeting, Bursa, Workshop, 17.11.2012 -18.11.2012 (National)


  1. Posttraumatic Union, Deformity and Infection Education Meeting, Posttraumatic Union, Deformity and Infection Education Organized by the Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association, Istanbul, Workshop, 29.10.2010 -30.10.2010 (National)


  1. Botulinum Training Meeting, Training on Botulinum Toxin Applications, Organized by Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Istanbul, Workshop, 13.05.2010-13.05.2010 (National)


  1. Applied Developmental Hip Dysplasia Surgical Techniques Training Meeting, Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Association, Applied Developmental Hip Dysplasia Surgical Techniques Training Meeting, Organized by the Pediatric Orthopedics Branch, Adana, Workshop, 30.01.2010 -31.01.2010 (National)


  1. Joint Protective Surgical Techniques Symposium in Adolescent Hip Problems, Education Symposium Given by TOTA Pediatric Orthopedics Branch, Ankara, Workshop, 11.06.2009 -12.06.2009 (National)


  1. Osteoporosis, Rheumatology Diseases Program, Training Program on Osteoporosis Organized by the Academy, Istanbul, Workshop, 15.04.2009 -15.04.2009 (National)


Bone Metastases Update 10 April. 2021.

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